OMECpedia SOA Certifications

SOA Certifications

Certified SOA Professional

A Certified SOA Professional has completed one specialized certification, multiple specialized certifications, or has met minimum SOACP qualifications by demonstrating proficiency in service-oriented computing fundamentals and one additional area.

Exams: S90.01 and S90.03

Certified SOA Consultant

A Certified SOA Consultant is required to obtain a balanced proficiency in a cross-section of the most important topic areas, with an emphasis on concepts, principles, practices, and technologies associated with service-oriented computing and service engineering.

Exams: S90.03, S90.04, S90.05

Certified SOA Architect

A Certified SOA Architect has demonstrated proficiency in the mechanics of service-oriented computing through the mastery of patterns, principles, practices, and industry-standard technologies required to engineer modern-day service-oriented solutions.

Exams: S90.03, S90.08, S90.09

Sprawdź nasze szkolenia oferowane w formule distant-learning oraz stacjonarnie: TERMINARZ

Poznaj Ofertę Specjalną: PROMOCJE